Austin's improved FEMA rating leads to increased flood insurance discounts

Local Government
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Ryan Hebrink Water Quality Compliance Program Manager | Official Website

On Wednesday, May 29, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) informed the City of Austin that it was upgrading the city's score in the Community Rating System from a six to a five. This change means that a 25 percent discount will be available for most flood insurance policies in Austin issued or renewed on or after October 1, 2024. Previously, the highest discount available to Austin residents was 20 percent.

The average annual flood insurance premium in Austin is $670. There are approximately 8,000 flood insurance policies currently in effect in Austin, providing coverage for $1.95 billion in potential losses. Flooding is not covered by homeowners or renters insurance. The City recommends that homeowners, renters, and businesses consider purchasing flood insurance and consult their insurance agents about different coverage options.

Austin is particularly vulnerable to flooding and is located in Flash Flood Alley. From large dam failures on the Colorado River in the early 1900s to more recent storms in 2013 and 2015, catastrophic flooding has historically impacted Austin residents and property. As a result, the city has made significant investments to reduce flood risk and increase resilience.

According to FEMA, the new flood insurance discounts are a tangible result of Austin’s flood mitigation activities aimed at protecting lives and reducing property damage. In making their determination, FEMA considered various activities such as floodplain mapping, preserving open space, stormwater management, and higher regulatory standards.

Federally-backed flood insurance is available to all Austin residents through the city's participation in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). Austin joined the program in 1974. FEMA requires participating communities to adopt and enforce a minimum set of floodplain regulations. In 1990, FEMA introduced the Community Rating System to recognize and encourage communities that exceed these minimum standards.

About Watershed Protection

The City of Austin Watershed Protection Department protects lives, property, and the environment by reducing the impact of flooding, erosion, and water pollution. Visit to learn more.
