Texas Education Agency delays release of 2023 A-F Accountability Ratings

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The Texas Education Agency (TEA) has announced a temporary delay in the release of the 2023 A-F accountability ratings for districts and campuses. Originally scheduled for September 28th, the delay will allow TEA to make adjustments to its growth goals. TEA Commissioner Mike Morath stated that the A-F system is designed to reflect how well schools are meeting high expectations and that these adjustments will ensure it continues to serve as a useful tool for parents and educators.

The A-F system is used to measure the efforts of districts and campuses in helping students achieve specific learning goals. TEA has stated that the delay will last approximately one month, during which time the agency will re-examine baseline data used in the calculation of progress. This will ensure that the ratings align with the most appropriate goals for students. The final ratings methodology will be posted once the analysis is complete, and the ratings themselves will be issued about two weeks later.

This delay comes after controversy surrounding changes made by TEA. In August, at least five public school districts initiated legal action against the agency, claiming that changes were made without giving districts enough time to address them. Ovidia Molina, President of the Texas State Teachers Association (TSTA), called for educators to be given the opportunity to provide input on proposed changes. TEA has not given a specific date for the release of the ratings following the delay.