As the new semester begins, parents are being urged to update their emergency contact information with their child's school. This step is essential to ensure that there is a trusted individual who can assist the child in emergencies such as accidents, sudden illnesses, or personal critical situations.
The designated emergency contact should be someone local who can pick up the child if the primary guardians are unreachable. It is important for parents to confirm with their chosen emergency contact that they are willing and able to support the child if needed.
To update this information, parents must visit their child's campus and bring identification to verify their connection to the child. The updated contact details should be provided to the front office team so they can add it to the child's file.
In Spanish, parents are also encouraged to make these updates: "A medida que comenzamos el nuevo semestre, estamos animando a todos los padres de familia a que actualicen su información de contactos de emergencia en la escuela de sus hijos."
It is crucial for guardians who enroll children in school to designate an emergency contact who is local and available when needed. Parents should confirm with this person that they are ready and able to help in case of emergencies.
Updating emergency contacts requires visiting the student's school with identification and providing updated information. The main office team will then add this information to the student's file.