World Gratitude Day celebrated on September 21 by Tiff's Treats

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Leon Chen Co-Founder, CEO | Tiff'S Treats

Happy Gratitude Week from Tiff’s Treats is this Saturday, September 21, and the company is dedicating the entire week to it. The connection between cookies and gratitude is highlighted as both having a significant impact.

The celebration of World Gratitude Day began in 1965 in Hawaii when an international gathering decided it would be beneficial to have one day each year to formally express gratitude and appreciation for the many wonderful things in the world.

World Gratitude Day serves as an effective way to begin the rapidly approaching holiday season. With Thanksgiving just over a month away, alongside various heartwarming holiday festivities, this week offers an opportunity to express gratitude. Celebrating thankfulness provides a perfect reset after a busy summer as we transition into the bustling fall months and upcoming holidays.

There are numerous ways to celebrate, even if it's simply taking a few moments to recognize the people and things you’re grateful for. Here is a short list provided by Tiff’s Treats employees to inspire personal reflection:

- Family near and far

- The first cool fall breeze of the season

- Your work spouse

- Unexpected phone calls from friends and family

- When the library gets the new book you’ve been waiting for

- Kids’ bus driver who always picks up and drops them off safely with a smile

- An invitation to dinner

- Laying in a hammock by the lake

- Routine coffee breaks with your work besties

- Getting groceries delivered

- A good belly laugh

Additionally, Tiff’s Treats expressed their gratitude for warm cookies. They encourage individuals to consider someone they are especially grateful for and check out their daily offerings this week for opportunities to send surprise cookie deliveries to deserving organizations or individuals.