NAHB highlights recent legislative victories in August Monthly Update

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To help members articulate key housing priorities, the National Association of Home Builders' (NAHB) Monthly Update provides the latest messaging framework for the Federation. Highlights for this month include issue updates and talking points related to significant legislative victories.

Key victories include advancements in workforce development with new legislation introduced to increase job training and a Senate appropriations panel's approval of funding for Job Corps. Additionally, provisions in the 2024 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) offer more flexibility and a wider range of options for builders to achieve compliance.

The update also features an analysis of mortgage rates, inflation, and single-family construction forecasts from NAHB Chief Economist Dr. Robert Dietz.

The monthly update is accessible to members, executive officers, and HBA staff signed up for Besides talking points, members can access the Senior Officers’ Home Builders Association travel schedule for the next six months.