Austin entrepreneur transforms wine industry with sustainable practices

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Sammy Lam, known as "the Wine Cowboy," is working to make Austin net-zero by transforming the carbon footprint of the wine industry. As the founder of Wanderlust Wine Co., the world's largest on-tap winery, and a board member of the Texas Wine & Grape Growers Association, Lam's commitment to sustainability has earned his business a place in the Austin Green Business Leaders program at the Platinum Level.

Lam's journey into wine began as a way to reconnect with his late mother, Diana Cano, who had a passion for wine but lacked resources to pursue it fully. His formal education started with a course called "The Geography of Wine" during his Semester at Sea experience. This led him to further certifications and eventually founding Wanderlust Wine Co., which aims to allow customers to "travel the world through wine."

Wanderlust Wine Co. focuses on sustainable practices such as using kegs instead of single-use glass bottles, sourcing wines made from organic grapes, and employing low-sulfite content packaging. These efforts have significantly reduced their carbon footprint and waste.

"The most rewarding aspect has been witnessing the transformative impact on our business, environment, and family," said Lam. He added that being accepted into the Austin Green Business Leader Program is both validation and an opportunity for further innovation.

Lam advises businesses to view sustainability as an evolving process requiring dedication and continuous improvement. He encourages others in Austin to integrate sustainability into their business models by finding their passion and leveraging local resources.

For those interested in learning more about sustainable practices in the wine industry, Lam recommends Free Flow Wines' innovative approach to packaging wine in kegs.

Lam's story underscores how passion can drive significant positive change in both business and community.