Austin ISD Board nears approval of budget with potential $60M deficit

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Superintendent Matias Segura | Austin Independent School District, TX

The Board of Trustees is meeting weekly this month as they refine two major items that will determine how Austin ISD operates for years to come.

With the ongoing financial strain due to outdated state funding and recapture, it’s critical for the district to keep a focus on student achievement while making every dollar count.

The Board is slated to vote next week on the final 2024-25 budget, which may include up to a $60 million deficit. A Voter-approval Tax Ratification Election, which could fund the deficit, is still an option and could go to voters in November. Before voters make a decision, Superintendent Matias Segura will develop a plan to realign central operations to work more efficiently and better meet students’ needs. The district will provide multiple opportunities for the community to weigh in on any changes, and the final plan will be prepared by October.

The new district scorecard is a requirement of the TEA Order and must include goals tied directly to student outcomes. The proposed goals consist of third-grade literacy, third-grade math, College and Career Readiness, middle school Algebra, and biliteracy. The Scorecard also includes constraints, which are essentially guardrails for what the administration should not do to achieve these goals. For example, a constraint could ensure campuses don't skip Social Emotional Learning activities for students who aren't meeting reading and math goals.

After two working meetings this month, the board will meet again on June 20 for a voting meeting that includes the 2024–25 budget and Scorecard. The board will also vote to adopt priorities for the 89th Legislature convening in January 2025.