The Oswaldo A.B. Cantu Pan American Recreation Center and Neighborhood Park, in collaboration with the Emma S. Barrientos Mexican American Cultural Center, will host the Pan Am Hillside Summer Concert Series 2024 every Tuesday this July from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the Oswaldo A.B. Cantu Pan American Recreation Center, located at 2100 E. 3rd St.
Now in its 66th year, this concert series remains a cherished tradition in East Austin. Residents are encouraged to bring lawn chairs, blankets, and coolers for this free event.
The Hillside Summer Concert Series at Pan Am Park provides a platform to highlight the music and culture of Austin’s Mexican, Mexican-American, Chicano, and Latino/a/e/x communities. It draws Austin residents—particularly those from East Austin's Holly and Cesar Chavez neighborhoods—to enjoy free outdoor music with their families, friends, and neighbors.
Attendees can expect food trucks on site offering refreshments for sale, a community resource fair with giveaways, and free activities for children. The musical lineup includes Willie "The Kid" Cantu & The Starlight, George Mercado, Janie Balderas, The Tiarras, and Ruben Ramos & Mexican Revolution. For the complete list of performers and updates, visit or follow @ESBMACC on social media.