Austin-Bergstrom Airport marks 25 years with reflections from Chief Development Officer

The Austin-Bergstrom Airport (AUS) is celebrating its 25th anniversary this month, marking a significant milestone in its history of growth and development. Chief Development Officer Shane Harbinson, who has been with AUS since its inception, reflects on the airport's journey and his role in its expansion.

Harbinson began his career at AUS in early 1999, starting as an Airport Operations Coordinator before moving to the Planning and Engineering team as the Noise Officer. He later served as an Airport Planner, contributing to the 2003 airport Master Plan. "I got to work with a lot of professional teams and construction teams for the development of the airport up until around 2019," Harbinson said. "Now I am honored to be the Chief Development Officer for AUS."

Harbinson played a crucial role in launching the Journey With AUS airport expansion program. He credits Jennifer Williams and Lyn Estabrook for their work on the Master Plan and emphasizes his role in assisting with environmental approvals. "During Covid, it was really just trying to make sure we kept on track on the projects that were already started," he noted.

The Journey With AUS program was launched to address Austin's rapid growth and increasing infrastructure demands. "We took the Master Plan and then implemented it while getting the professional teams together," Harbinson explained. The program aims to expand airline services and create new national or international destinations by increasing gate capacity and improving infrastructure.

Reflecting on his time away from AUS, Harbinson observed significant progress in the expansion program upon his return. "When I left, the building blocks of where elements were going to be located based on need were developed," he said. "Now it's much more defined from when I left, when it was just a Master Plan."

Among his most memorable projects is the Noise Mitigation Program, which lasted about 13 years and involved working with noise-sensitive neighborhoods around AUS. "We got to meet the families that are around the airport and experience their appreciation of the City working with them to get relocation," Harbinson recalled.

Looking ahead, Harbinson envisions continued growth for AUS through future Master Plans that will build upon current expansions. "If we do this one right, the next program team that will be in my seat will be much more methodical," he stated.

As AUS celebrates its 25th anniversary, it looks forward to further developments that will continue to serve Austin's growing community.