NAHB associate members reach record revenue in 2023

Local Government
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Ellen Giddens Council Chair | Official Website

Associates grossed an all-time high in average revenue in 2023, surpassing 2021’s record of $2.86 million by $140,000. The $3 million average reflects the success that Associate members across the Federation experienced last year.

Other highlights from the census include:

Associate members account for approximately 65% of NAHB’s membership.

39% of Associate members report contributing to the development of green/sustainable homes.

The typical Associate member employs 12 people, matching last year’s all-time high.

The census also detailed the businesses in which Associate members work. The most prevalent business is subcontracting/specialty trade contracting at 45% of all Associate members, up 4% from a year ago. The next-largest segments include professional specialties (11%), retail dealerships/distributorships (10%), financial services (8%), and wholesale dealerships/distributorships (5%).

You can read the latest report on Associate members to learn more.

Remember to nominate an Associate who goes above and beyond for Associate of the Year. Applications are due Oct. 7, 2024.