UT, ACC, Texas Institute for Electronics to Launch Semiconductor Training Center to Meet Industry Workforce Needs

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Executive Vice President and Provost Sharon L. Wood | University of Texas at Austin

A new partnership between The University of Texas at Austin, Austin Community College District, and Texas Institute for Electronics (TIE) aims to address the workforce needs of America's semiconductor industry by launching a Semiconductor Training Center in Central Texas. This collaboration seeks to bridge the gap in skilled labor within the semiconductor field by providing comprehensive education and training opportunities.

President Jay Hartzell emphasized UT's commitment to advancing the semiconductor industry, stating, "UT has a rich history as a leader in the semiconductor industry not only in Texas, but across the country, helping position the U.S. to compete globally with the most advanced technology and qualified workforce."

ACC Chancellor Russell Lowery-Hart highlighted the importance of the partnership, stating, "ACC is proud to partner with UT to take this work to a new level. When we can collaborate through programs like the STC, we're giving our students the best of both worlds — access to one of the nation's top research universities and ACC's advanced teaching and training facilities."

John Schreck, CEO of TIE, expressed confidence in the partnership's ability to establish a sustainable workforce for the semiconductor industry, saying, "We and our academic and industry partners understand this is a pivotal moment for America's semiconductor industry."

Jon Taylor from Samsung Austin Semiconductor praised ACC's role in workforce development, stating, "Austin Community College is a regional leader for workforce development training programs that build direct paths for students to train and get the skills needed to meet the growing needs for Central Texas' manufacturing workforce."

The initiative aims to address the growing demand for skilled semiconductor workers, with the first training programs expected to launch as early as January 2025. This collaborative effort underscores the commitment of educational institutions and industry partners to meet the workforce needs of the semiconductor industry in Central Texas and beyond.