City of Austin Mobility Committee met Oct. 6

City of Austin Mobility Committee met Oct. 6.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

Committee Members Present:

1. Council Member Ellis, Chair

2. Council Member Kelly, Vice-Chair

3. Council Member Kitchen, Member

4. Council Member Alter, Member

Call to Order

Chair Ellis called the committee meeting to order at 1:03 p.m.

Public Communication: General

There were no speakers

Approval of Minutes

1. Approve the minutes of the Mobility Committee meeting on September 8th, 2022.

The minutes of the September 8th, 2022 Mobility Committee meeting were approved on Council Member Harper-Madison motion, and Council Member Kitchen second, on a 3-0 vote with Council Member Kelly and Council Member Alter absent.


1. Update from the chair of the Urban Transportation Commission (UTC) regarding recent UTC actions

No update was given

2. Update on the Wildfire Evacuation mobility and route coordination

The Committee received a briefing from Andre DeLaReza (Austin Fire Department, Fire Assistant Chief)

3. Update on Airport Expansion and Development Program

The Committee received a briefing from Somer Shindler (Aviation, Chief Development Officer)

4. Update on the Public Works Service Plan

No presentation was given. This item is anticipated to be discussed during the

November 10th Mobility Committee meeting.

5. Update from Assistant City Manager Gina Fiandaca on the City’s Strategic Mobility Outcome

The Committee received a briefing from Assistant City Manager Gina Fiandaca

Future Items

6. Identify items to discuss at future meetings.

Vision Zero Updates

Chair Ellis adjourned the meeting at 3:05 pm