City of Austin Housing and Planning Committee Met May 3

City of Austin Housing and Planning Committee Met May 3.

Here is the minutes provided by the committee:

Council Members in Attendance: 

Mayor Pro Tem Harper-Madison 

Gregorio Casar, Chair  

Sabino “Pio” Renteria, Vice Chair 

Paige Ellis 

Ann Kitchen 

Vanessa Fuentes 

Mayor Steve Adler (joined the dias from 2:05pm - 2:33pm) 


The Council Housing and Planning Committee convened in a regular meeting via Videoconference. 

Chair Casar called the Committee meeting to order at 2:03 p.m. 

Citizen Communication 


Approval of Minutes 

1. Approve the minutes of the March 11, 2021 meeting of the Housing and  Planning Committee. 

The minutes were approved on the 3rd day of May 2021 on Mayor Pro Tem Harper Madison’s motion to approve and Council Member Ellis’s second on a 5-0  vote. 


2. Nomination of a private sector representative for appointment to the  Community Development Commission. 

A member of the Community Development Commission, Kendra Garrett,  currently serves on the commission in one of the neighborhood seats. There has  recently been a vacancy created for the private sector representative by someone  else stepping down. Ms. Garrett would remain on the commission and occupy  this seat.  

Recommendation to the full Council to appoint Kendra Garrett for this seat was  made on Council Member Ellis’s motion, Council Member Renteria’s second on a  5-0 vote. 

A Committee Report was submitted to the Agenda Office for the May 20, 2021  Council meeting. 

3. Discussion and possible action regarding the Austin Strategic Housing  Blueprint’s permanent supportive housing goal. 

Dianna Grey, Chief Homeless Strategy Officer, Austin Public Health, provided a  presentation on the Austin Strategic Housing Blueprint’s permanent supportive  housing goal and answered questions from Council Members. 

The Committee discussed a recommendation to move a Resolution forward to full  Council, which will update our housing plan (Housing Blueprint) with a goal of  housing 3,000+ people in the next three years, provide more services and reduce  homelessness in our community, and equitably rehouse people from  encampments. 

Recommendation to move the Resolution to full council was made on Council  Member Kitchen’s motion, Council Member Renteria’s second on a 5-0 vote. 

A Committee Report was submitted to the Agenda Office for the May 20, 2021  Council meeting. 

4. Briefing on homelessness summit outcomes. 

Dianna Grey, Chief Homeless Strategy Officer, Austin Public Health, provided a  presentation on the homelessness summit outcomes and answered questions from  Council Members.

5. Briefing on health and safety property damage related to Winter Storm Uri. 

Daniel Word, Assistant Director, Austin Code Department, provided a  presentation on health and safety property damage related to Winter Storm Uri.  Daniel and Jose Roig, Director, Austin Code Department, answered questions  from Council Members. 

Future Items 

5. Identify items to discuss at future meetings. 

No items were identified to discuss at a future meeting. 


Chair Casar adjourned the meeting at 3:09 p.m. without objection.