City of Austin Audit and Finance Committee met Dec. 11.
Here is the agenda provided by the committee:
Public Communication: General
Speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. This section is limited to 5 speakers.
Approval of Minutes
1. Approve the minutes of the Audit and Finance Committee meeting of November 12, 2024.
Discussion and Possible Action
2. Consideration of notice that the Commission on Immigrant Affairs has not met for more than six months, and approval of a recommendation to the City Council on whether to dissolve the commission.
Sponsors: Council Member Alison Alter, and Mayor Pro Tem Leslie Pool
3. Consideration of notice that the College Student Commission has not met for more than six months,and approval of a recommendation to the City Council on whether to dissolve the commission.
Sponsors: Council Member Alison Alter, and Mayor Pro Tem Leslie Pool
4. Proposed bylaw amendments for the Resource Management Commission.
Sponsors: Council Member Alison Alter, and Mayor Pro Tem Leslie Pool
5. City Attorney's Annual Report regarding enforcement of Lobbyist Regulations, Chapter 4-8 of the City Code.
Sponsors: Council Member Alison Alter, and Mayor Pro Tem Leslie Pool
6. Briefing on historical drivers of overtime costs in the Austin Fire Department.
Sponsors: Council Member Alison Alter, and Mayor Pro Tem Leslie Pool
7. Status of recommendations made by the City Auditor in audit reports.
Sponsors: Council Member Alison Alter, and Mayor Pro Tem Leslie Pool
8. Semi-annual update on investigations by the City Auditor’s Integrity Unit into fraud, waste, and abuse allegations.
Sponsors: Council Member Alison Alter, and Mayor Pro Tem Leslie Pool
9. Update on the progress of the development of a new citywide strategic plan. Sponsors: Council Member Alison Alter, and Mayor Pro Tem Leslie Pool
10. Update on the implementation of citywide human capital management software.
Sponsors: Council Member Alison Alter, and Mayor Pro Tem Leslie Pool
11. Discussion regarding the implementation of billing system improvements for Austin/Travis County EMS, as requested by Resolution 20240814-017.
Sponsors: Council Member Alison Alter, and Mayor Pro Tem Leslie Pool
12. Recognition of outgoing Committee Members.
Sponsors: Council Member Alison Alter, and Mayor Pro Tem Leslie Pool
Future Items
13. Identify items to be discussed at future meetings.
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