City of Austin Mobility Committee met Aug. 22

Webp 39
Vanessa Fuentes - Austin City Councilwoman | Linkedin

City of Austin Mobility Committee met Aug. 22.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

Committee Members Present:

1. Council Member Ellis, Chair

2. Council Member Vela

3. Council Member Harper-Madison

Committee Members Absent:

1. Council Member Qadri, Vice-Chair

2. Council Member Kelly

Call to Order

Chair Ellis called the committee meeting to order at 1:05 p.m.

Public Communication: General

Heyden Black Walker – Week Without Driving

Approval of Minutes

1. Approve the minutes of the Mobility Committee meeting on May 23, 2024. The minutes of the April 23, 2024, Mobility Committee meeting was approved on Council Member Vela's motion, and Council Member Harper-Madison's second, on a 3-0 vote with Council Members Qadri and Kelly off the dais.


2. Update from the Urban Transportation Commission (UTC) regarding actions from the June 4, 2024, July 9, 2024 and August 6, 2024, meetings.

The committee received an update on recent discussion and action items at the Urban Transportation Commission from its Chair, Susan Somers.

3. Street Impact Fee Program Update.

The committee received a briefing from Upal Barua, Assistant Director, Transportation and Public Works.

4. Electrification of Fleet Update.

The committee received briefings from Rick Harland, Assistant Director, Fleet Mobility Services and Andrew Skabowski, Executive Vice President, Chief Operating Officer, CapMetro.

5. City of Austin Mobility Report

Chair Ellis introduce the Mobility Report to the committee.

Future Items

6. Identify items to discuss at future meetings.

Chair Ellis adjourned the meeting at 2:30 pm
