City of Austin City Council met Sept. 12

City of Austin City Council met Sept. 12.

Here is the agenda provided by the council:

The City Council will convene at 10:00 AM on Thursday, September 12, 2024 at Austin City Hall, 301 W. 2nd Street, Austin, TX and some members may be participating via videoconference

Mayor Kirk Watson

Mayor Pro Tem Leslie Pool, District 7

Council Member Natasha Harper-Madison, District 1

Council Member Vanessa Fuentes, District 2

Council Member José Velásquez, District 3

Council Member José ''Chito'' Vela, District 4

Council Member Ryan Alter, District 5

Council Member Mackenzie Kelly, District 6

Council Member Paige Ellis, District 8

Council Member Zohaib ''Zo'' Qadri, District 9

Council Member Alison Alter, District 10

Public comment will be allowed in-person or remotely by telephone. Speakers may only register to speak on an item once either in-person or remotely. For full instructions on participation in person or by telephone, please visit the Council Meeting Information Center:

The City Council may go into a closed session as permitted by the Texas Open Meetings Act, (Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code) regarding any item on this agenda.

All of the following items may be acted upon by one motion. No separate discussion or action on any of the items is necessary unless desired by a Council Member.

9:00 AM – Proclamations

Proclamation – Austin-Tonkawa Friendship Day – To be presented by Mayor Kirk Watson Proclamation – Education Connection Day – To be presented by Mayor Kirk Watson Distinguished Service Award – Deborah Cowan – To be presented by Mayor Pro Tem Leslie Pool Proclamation – Parker Woodland Day – To be presented by Council Member José Velásquez Proclamation – Segovia Produce Day – To be presented by Council Member José Velásquez 10:00 AM – City Council Convenes

Consent Agenda

Approval of Minutes

1. Approve the minutes of the Austin City Council budget adoption meeting of August 14, 2024. Austin Energy

2. Approve a resolution declaring the City’s official intent to reimburse itself from the proceeds of tax-exempt obligations in an aggregate maximum principal amount of $210,000,000 for expenditures related to the acquisition and construction of electric utility capital improvement projects.


3. Approve a resolution authorizing acceptance of grants from the Federal Aviation Administration, the Department of Homeland Security, and other state and federal agencies to the City of Austin, Department of Aviation, for Austin-Bergstrom International Airport for Fiscal Years 2025-2027 in an amount not to exceed $500,000,000.

Communications and Technology Management

4. Authorize negotiation and execution of an interlocal agreement with the Capital Area Council of Governments authorizing the City to maintain and update the Capital Area Emergency Communications District’s 9-1-1 Geographic Information System database for Fiscal Year 2024-2025.

Development Services

5. Approve an ordinance amending City Code Chapter 4-18 (General Permitting Standards) relating to sound assessments for residential and hotel-motel uses near outdoor music venues and performance venues; amending City Code Chapter 9-2 (Noise and Amplified Sound) relating to outdoor music venues, nuisances, and sound impact plans; and creating offenses.

Economic Development Department

6. Approve an ordinance establishing a new program under Chapter 380, Texas Local Government Code, entitled the Place-Based Enhancement Program, in compliance with Council’s approved Chapter 380 Policy, that will provide financing to fill funding gaps in projects that deliver high levels of community benefits.

7. Approve an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 20180830-057, which established the City’s Business Expansion Program Guidelines which give high priority consideration of expansion projects that provide above industry standard compensation for middle-skill workers, maximize meaningful labor force participation, connect with small and local businesses with expansion opportunities, and yield benefits to the community beyond local tax base contribution, to update the requirements and elements of this program to improve the program eligibility criteria, refining the community benefits compliance metrics and improving the application process.

8. Approve a resolution adopting the Economic and Cultural District Framework Policy, that will guide Council in providing capacity and financial support to assist in the formation of and ongoing support of economic and cultural districts in the City.

9. Authorize negotiation and execution of an interlocal agreement with WorkSource Greater Austin Area Workforce Board d/b/a Workforce Solutions - Capital Area Workforce Board to provide childcare quality improvement services and direct childcare services, for a 12-month term in an amount not to exceed $1,174,121, with four 12-month extension options in an amount not to exceed $1,118,210 each, for a total agreement amount not to exceed $5,646,961.

Financial Services

10. Approve a resolution declaring the City’s official intent to reimburse itself from proceeds of tax-exempt general obligation debt in the amount of $112,056,000.

Financial Services- Contracts

11.Authorize negotiation and execution of various contracts through the State of Texas Department of Information Resources cooperative program during Fiscal Year 2024-2025 for the purchase of network and other technology hardware, software and services, in an amount not to exceed $12,500,000, divided among the contractors.

12. Authorize negotiation and execution of six contracts for traffic signal-related equipment with AM Signal, Inc.; Consolidated Traffic Controls Inc.; Alex Colosivschi d/b/a Currux Vision LLC; Mobotrex, Inc.; Paradigm Traffic Systems Inc. d/b/a Paradigm Traffic Systems; and Texas Highway Products Ltd, each for up to five years in amounts not to exceed $32,500,000, divided among the contractors.

13. Authorize negotiation and execution of an amendment to a contract for continued F5 BIG-IP software and maintenance with Netsync Network Solutions, Inc., to increase the amount by $696,000 for a revised total contract amount not to exceed $712,112.

14. Authorize negotiation and execution of a contract for the reimbursement of program expenses related to the protection of abused children with the Center for Child Protection, for up to five years for a total contract amount not to exceed $2,216,380.

15. Authorize negotiation and execution of amendments to two contracts for continued workforce development services with Austin Regional Manufacturers Association and Austin Urban Technology Movement, to increase the amounts by $993,420 and to extend the terms by 19 months, each for revised total contract amounts not to exceed $1,986,840, divided between the contractors.

16. Authorize negotiation and execution of a contract for supervisory control and data acquisition software support services with Schneider Electric Systems USA Inc., for a term of two years in an amount not to exceed $224,000.

17. Authorize negotiation and execution of an amendment to a contract for continued licenses, maintenance, and support services for a workflow management software platform with Insight Public Sector Inc. d/b/a Insight Public Sector, to increase the amount by $14,614,000 and to extend the term by two years for a revised total contract amount not to exceed $19,654,000.

18. Authorize negotiation and execution of a contract for police department aviation insurance with Acrisure Aerospace Partners Insurance Solutions, LLC, for up to five years for a total contract amount not to exceed $1,260,000.

19. Authorize negotiation and execution of a contract for Microsoft products and services with SHI-Government Solutions Inc. d/b/a SHI, for up to five years for a total contract amount not to exceed $130,000,000.

20. Authorize negotiation and execution of a contract for managed Splunk services and interface with SHI-Government Solutions Inc. d/b/a SHI, for a term of three years for a total contract amount not to exceed $1,500,000.

21. Authorize negotiation and execution of a contract for information technology networking platform licenses, maintenance, and support with Freeit Data Solutions Inc., for a term of three years in an amount not to exceed $1,600,000.

22. Authorize negotiation and execution of an amendment to a contract for continued platform data management software with Carahsoft Technology Corp., to increase the amount by $1,240,000 for a revised total contract amount not to exceed $1,600,000.

23. Authorize execution of an interlocal agreement with Prince William County, Virginia, to allow for the cooperative procurement of goods and services.

24. Authorize negotiation and execution of a contract for operator qualification program maintenance and training support with MediaMosaic, Inc. d/b/a The Mosaic Company, for up to five years for a total contract amount not to exceed $2,064,000.

25. Authorize negotiation and execution of a contract for control systems upgrade consulting services with Qualus, LLC, for up to three years for a total contract amount not to exceed $560,000.

26. Authorize negotiation and execution of a contract for workers compensation sworn support with Ready Rebound, Inc., for up to 3 years for a total contract amount not to exceed $4,450,000.

27. Authorize negotiation and execution of a contract for emergency operations and response software with Veoci Inc., for up to five years for a total contract amount not to exceed $3,421,000.

Financial Services - Real Estate

28. Authorize negotiation and execution of all documents and instruments necessary or desirable to acquire a temporary ingress and egress easement, consisting of approximately 20,439 square feet of land and a Temporary Staging Area and Material Storage Site, consisting of approximately 3,157 square feet of land, generally located at 3204 Menchaca Rd., Austin, Texas, from The Ivy @ 78704 Condominium Owners Association, Inc., a Texas nonprofit corporation, for a total amount not to exceed $120,388.50.

District(s): District 5

29. Authorize negotiation and execution of all documents and instruments necessary or desirable to extend a temporary working space easement consisting of two temporary working space easement areas totaling approximately 6,500 square feet (0.149 acres) of land in two parts (1,094 square feet and 5,406 square feet) for an additional 24-month period, generally located at 1912 Wickersham Lane, Austin, Texas 78741, from East Riverside Retail, LLC, in an amount not to exceed $123,500.

District(s): District 3

Homeless Strategy Office

30. Authorize negotiation and execution of Amendment No. 12 to the agreement with Austin Travis County Mental Health & Mental Retardation Center, d/b/a Integral Care, to provide permanent supportive housing services for individuals experiencing homelessness, to add funds in the amount of $1,012,620, extend the term of the agreement until September 30, 2025, and add two 12-month extension options in an amount not to exceed $1,012,620 each, for a revised total agreement amount not to exceed $11,721,201.

31. Authorize the negotiation and execution of an agreement with Foundation Communities Inc., to provide wrap around supportive services for individuals experiencing homelessness, for a 12-month term beginning October 1, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $1,000,000.

32. Authorize negotiation and execution of Amendment No. 16 to the agreement with Ending Community Homelessness Coalition, Inc. to provide expanded training, technical assistance, process improvement, and additional work related to promoting equity in the homelessness response system; and to add $130,000 to the remaining extension option, and two 12-month extension options each in an amount not to exceed $780,000, for a revised total agreement amount not to exceed $5,602,051.

33. Authorize negotiation and execution of an agreement with the Youth and Family Alliance d/b/a Lifeworks to provide emergency shelter to youth and young adults experiencing homelessness, for a 12-month term beginning on October 1, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $775,000.

34. Authorize negotiation and execution of an agreement with Austin Clubhouse, Inc. to provide outreach and supportive services to individuals experiencing homelessness, for a 12-month term beginning October 1, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $218,000.

35. Authorize negotiation and execution of Amendment No. 10 to the agreement with Casa Marianella to provide emergency and transitional shelter to immigrants experiencing homelessness, to add funds in the amount of $500,000, and to extend the agreement through September 30, 2025, for a revised total agreement amount not to exceed $2,300,751.


36. Authorize negotiation and execution of a legal services agreement contract with Phelps Dunbar, LLC for legal services related to City of Austin v. Ladies of the Eighties, LP, et. al., No. C-1-CV-21-004045, in an amount not to exceed $171,000.

Management Services

37. Approve an ordinance waiving Part 5 Section (D) of Ordinance No. 20240718-070 regarding timing of publication of the City Council agenda, to allow the City Manager time to complete and publish the agenda after the Thanksgiving holiday.


38. Approve a resolution initiating amendments to the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan to add the Equity-Based Preservation Plan, which is a historic preservation plan, to the City’s comprehensive plan.

Public Health

39.Authorize negotiation and execution of Amendment No. 9 to the agreement with Catholic Charities of Central Texas to expand legal and counseling services for immigrants adding one 12-month extension option for the term ending September 30, 2025, in an amount not to exceed $209,858, for a total contract amount not to exceed $1,661,306.

40. Authorize negotiation and execution of Amendment No. 5 to the agreement with Young Women’s Christian Association d/b/a YWCA Greater Austin to address the diverse needs within the Asian, Pacific Islander, and Latinx/Hispanic communities in the Austin area by providing mental health services focusing on prevention and healing, adding one twelve-month extension option for the term ending September 30, 2025, in an amount not to exceed $100,000, for a revised total agreement amount not to exceed $500,000.

41. Approve an ordinance amending the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Austin Public Health Department Operating Budget Special Revenue Fund to accept and appropriate $1,445,000 in grant funds from the Department of Justice Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Office for Victims of Crime Grant.

42. Authorize negotiation and execution of Amendment No. 11 to the agreement with Austin Revitalization Authority to provide funding for a community-based health prevention and education program to add a 12-month extension option ending September 30, 2025, in the amount of $76,579, for a revised total agreement amount not to exceed $722,085.

43. Authorize negotiation and execution of Amendment No. 1 to the agreement with African American Youth Harvest Foundation for the Harvest Trauma Recovery Center to improve the quality of life for community members who are survivors of violence and decrease psychosocial distress, minimize long-term disability, reduce the risk of future victimization and promote post-traumatic growth by using the Trauma Recovery Center model to increase access to healing and support services, to add one 13-month extension option to the agreement through the term ending September 30, 2026, and adding $2,445,000, for a revised total agreement amount not to exceed $3,445,000.

44. Authorize negotiation and execution of Amendment No. 9 to the agreement with Austin Independent School District to stabilize families through engagement efforts, responsive and case-managed services, and community development efforts for a 12-month term ending September 30, 2025, in an amount not to exceed $111,149, and adding two additional 12-month extension options, for a revised total agreement amount not to exceed $1,219,928.

45. Authorize negotiation and execution of Amendment No. 11 to the interlocal agreement with The University of Texas at Austin to improve birth outcomes and maternal/infant health among vulnerable communities of color in Austin, to add a 12-month extension option ending September 30, 2025, in the amount of $408,944, for a total revised agreement amount not to exceed $3,856,050.

46. Authorize negotiation and execution of Amendment No. 4 to the interlocal agreement with Austin Independent School District to provide tutoring and academic support for youth, to add funding in an amount not to exceed $27,193 for the term ending on September 30, 2025, and to each remaining extension option for a revised total agreement amount not to exceed $1,190,484.

47.Authorize negotiation and execution of Amendment No. 5 to the agreement with AIDS Services Austin d/b/a Vivent Health, Inc. or Vivent Health to provide HIV-related primary care, medications, and critical support services to people living with HIV, adding a 6-month extension option in the amount of $157,983 for the term ending March 31, 2025, for a total contract amount not to exceed $1,895,796.

48. Authorize negotiation and execution of Amendment No. 6 to the agreement with Foundation Communities, Inc. to improve and expand access to physical health, mental health, and dental care services for a nine-month term through June 30, 2025, in an amount not to exceed $93,750, for a total revised contract amount not to exceed $718,750.

49. Authorize negotiation and execution of Amendment No. 12 to an agreement with Family Eldercare to provide physical, mental, and financial wellness support services to seniors, to add one nine-month extension option ending on June 30, 2025, in an amount not to exceed $292,744, for a revised total agreement amount not to exceed $4,028,683.

50. Authorize negotiation and execution of Amendment No. 4 to the agreement with the Austin Independent School District d/b/a Austin ISD to provide funding for after-school programming for youth for a 12-month term ending on September 30, 2025, in an amount not to exceed $1,662,032, and to add funding in an amount of $512,032 to each of the two remaining extension options for a total agreement amount not to exceed $9,638,589.

51. Authorize negotiation and execution of Amendment No. 12 to the agreement with the Asian American Resource Center, Inc. d/b/a Austin Asian Community Health Initiative for the Community Health Navigator program to add a 12-month extension option ending on September 30, 2025 and add funding in an amount not to exceed $587,305, for a revised total agreement amount not to exceed $4,103,910.

52. Authorize negotiation and execution of Amendment No. 8 to the agreement with American Gateways to stabilize the immigration status of detained and non-detained immigrants residing in Austin and Travis County, to add a 12-month extension option ending on September 30, 2025, and add funding in an amount not to exceed $420,000, for a revised total agreement amount not to exceed $2,466,505.

53. Authorize negotiation and execution of Amendment No. 3 to the agreement with the Get Up Project d/b/a Hope Medical Clinic to provide health education and navigation services, to add one 12-month extension option for the period ending on September 30, 2025 and add funding in an amount not to exceed $150,000, for a total agreement amount not to exceed $350,000.

Transportation and Public Works

54. Authorize negotiation and execution of an amendment to the interlocal agreement with the Capital Metropolitan Transportation Authority to increase funding for the management of CapMetro Bikeshare, formerly known as MetroBike, in an amount not to exceed $18,550,000 over 10 years.

Item(s) from Council

55.Approve appointments and certain related waivers to citizen boards and commissions, to Council committees and other intergovernmental bodies, and to public facility corporations; removal and replacement of members; amendments to board and commission bylaws; and an ordinance waiving Subsection (C) of City Code Section 2-1-22 (Membership Term and Limitation) for the individual specified in the ordinance.

56. Approve an ordinance waiving or reimbursing certain fees related to Forklift Danceworks' Way of Water performances held at Onion Creek Metro Park on April 11-13, 2024.

Sponsors: Council Member Vanessa Fuentes, Council Member José ''Chito'' Vela, Mayor Pro Tem Leslie Pool, Council Member Zohaib ''Zo'' Qadri, and Council Member Paige Ellis

57. Approve a resolution relating to the removal of per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) from firefighting equipment and materials.

Sponsors: Council Member Mackenzie Kelly, Council Member Alison Alter, Council Member Ryan Alter, and Council Member Natasha Harper-Madison

58. Approve a resolution related to the compensation and benefits for the City Auditor.

Sponsors: Mayor Kirk Watson, Mayor Pro Tem Leslie Pool, Council Member Vanessa Fuentes, and Council Member José ''Chito'' Vela

59. Approve a resolution related to the compensation and benefits for the City Clerk.

Sponsors: Mayor Kirk Watson, Mayor Pro Tem Leslie Pool, Council Member Vanessa Fuentes, and Council Member José ''Chito'' Vela

60. Approve an ordinance related to the compensation and benefits for the Municipal Court Clerk.

Sponsors: Mayor Kirk Watson, Mayor Pro Tem Leslie Pool, Council Member Vanessa Fuentes, and Council Member José ''Chito'' Vela


Eminent Domain

61. Approve a resolution authorizing the filing of eminent domain proceedings and payment to acquire the property interests needed for the Barton Creek Plaza Lift Station Downstream Improvements Project for the public use of installing a wastewater interceptor, requiring the acquisition of 0.049 of one acre (2,134 square feet) tract of land for a Temporary Working Space Easement, out of and a part of the Isaac Decker League, abstract number 8, in the City of Austin, Travis County, Texas, same being a portion of Lot 1, Block A, Thornton Trails, a subdivision in Travis county, Texas, according to the map or plat thereof, recorded in document no. 201500014, of the official public records of Travis county, Texas; conveyed to Thornton Apartments LP by Special Warranty Deed executed July 1, 2013, filed and recorded in Document No. 2013133896 currently appraised at $44,814, subject to an increase in value based on updated appraisals or a Special Commissioners’ award. The owner of the needed property is Thornton Apartments, LP, now known as Thornton Apartments LLC. The property is located at 2505 Thornton Road, Austin, Texas 78704. The general route of the project is east of 3201 South Lamar to the intersection of Del Curto Road and Lightsey Road, and north to approximately the 2300 block of Thornton Road.

District(s): District 5

62. Approve a resolution authorizing the filing of eminent domain proceedings and payment to acquire the property interests needed for the East Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard/ FM 969 Corridor Improvement Project for the public use of street right-of-way and construction, a shared-use-path route, and landscaping within the project area that will address congestion and enhance safety for

pedestrians and cyclists, requiring the acquisition of 0.3496 of one acre (15,228 square foot) parcel of street right-of-way, being out of and a portion of the James Burleson Survey No. 19, Abstract No. 4, and the J.C. Tannehill Survey No. 29, Abstract No. 22, in the City of Austin, Travis County, Texas, being out of the remainder of that Tract described as 143.144 acres conveyed to Karlin Tracor Lane, LLC by Special Warranty Deed as recorded in Document No. 2020139775, Official Public Records, Travis County, Texas, currently appraised at $448,373 subject to an increase in value based on updated appraisals or a Special Commissioner’s award. The owner of the needed property is Karlin Tracor Lane, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company. The property is located at 00 Farm to Market Road 969 (FM 969), Austin, Texas, 78725 (the south side of FM 969 at the intersection of FM 969 and McBee Drive). The general route of the project is along FM 969 between United States Route 183 and Decker Lane.

District(s): District 1

63. Approve a resolution authorizing the filing of eminent domain proceedings and payment to acquire the property interests needed for the Cap Ex South, CKT987&1031 Structure Relocation 2021 for the public use of relocating transmission electric structures and lines to accommodate the Texas Department of Transportation’s expansion of Interstate Highway 35 (I-35), requiring the acquisition of a a Temporary Construction Easement, consisting of a 0.0703 acre (3,062 square foott) easement out of the Santiago Del Valle Survey No. 24, Travis County, Texas. Being a portion of Lot 1E Mrs. Rosa J. Spillman Estate, a Subdivision Recorded October 15, 1956, in Book 8, Page 15, Plat Records of Travis County, Texas, from Emil E. Spillmann, Stephanie S. Koch & Stacy S. Greene, Charlene W. Spillmann, Charles Douglas Spillmann, Mildred Anne Witt, Carl G. Knape, Luanne Pillsbury Slaughter, Lexine Spillmann, and Sherrill D. Spillmann Oates and the Estate of Richard D. Spillmann. The property is currently appraised at $20,209, subject to an increase in value based on updated appraisals or a Special Commissioner’s Award. The owner of the needed property is Charlene W. Spillmann, also known as Charlene Wilna Spillmann, Emil Edward Spillmann and Emil E. Spillmann as to a Life Estate Interest, Charles Douglas Spillmann, also known as Charles D. Spillmann, Mildred Anne Witte, Carl G. Knape, Luanne Pillsbury Slaughter, Lexine Spillmann, Individually and Lexine Trisha Spillmann, Independent Executor of the Estate of Richard Dale Spillmann, Deceased and the Unknown Trustees of the Revocable Trust Agreement executed December 18, 1999 as defined in the Will of Richard Dale Spillmann, Deceased under Cause No. PB-20-002458 Probate Court No. 1, Travis County, Texas, Stephanie Spillmann Koch, Stacy Spillmann Greene, Sherrill D. Spillmann Oates The property is located at South Interstate Highway 35, Austin, Texas 78748 (Premises Identification 430743). The general route of the project is along I-35 from State Highway 71 south to State Highway 45.

District(s): District 2

64. Approve a resolution authorizing the filing of eminent domain proceedings and payment to acquire the property interests needed for the Cap Ex South, CKT987&1031 Structure Relocation 2021 Project for the public use of the relocating transmission electric structures and lines to accommodate the Texas Department of Transportation’s expansion of Interstate Highway 35 (I-35), requiring the acquisition of a Permanent Electric Transmission and Distribution Easement , consisting of a 0.1530 of one acre (6,668 square foot) easement consisting of two parts being a portion of Lots 1A and 2A, Forrest C. Walker Subdivision, a Subdivision recorded in Book 75, Page 219; and a Temporary Construction Easement, consisting of a 0.0734 of one acre (3,196 square foot) easement being a portion of Lot 2A Forrest C. Walker Subdivision, a Subdivision recorded in Book 75, Page 219 Official Public Records of Travis County, Texas, from Long Real Estate Holdings, LLC, a Texas limited liability company. The property is currently appraised at $556,853, subject to an increase in value based on updated appraisals or a Special Commissioner’s award. The owner of the needed property is Long Real Estate, LLC, a Texas limited liability company. The property is located at 6900 and 6940 South I-35, Austin, Texas, 78745. The general route of the project is along I-35 from State Highway (SH) 71 south to SH 45.

District(s): District 2

65. Approve a resolution authorizing the filing of eminent domain proceedings and payment to acquire the property interests needed for the Williamson Creek Interceptor Project for the public use of replacing a wastewater tunnel to increase the capacity to accommodate future growth in the Williamson Creek basin, requiring the acquisition of one wastewater easement being a 0.006 acre (288 square foot) tract of land and one temporary working space easement being a 0.022 acre (980 square foot) tract of land, both being out of Lot 1, Battle Bend Subdivision, recorded in Volume 87, Page 117C of the Plat of Records of Travis County, Texas, currently appraised at $92,924 subject to an increase in value based on updated appraisals or a Special Commissioner’s award. The owner of the needed property is Munday Trust Number One. The property is located at 5306 South Interstate Highway, Austin, Texas 78745. The general route of the project is along Williamson Creek, from South 1st Street to South Pleasant Valley Road.

District(s): District 3

66. Approve a resolution authorizing the filing of eminent domain proceedings and payment to acquire the property interests needed for the Williamson Creek Interceptor Project for the public use of increasing the capacity of a wastewater tunnel to accommodate future growth in the Williamson Creek basin and to mitigate impacts to parkland, requiring the acquisition of a fee simple tract consisting of a 2.050 acre (89,294 square foot) and an exclusive wastewater line easement for a subterranean tunnel of . 0.015 acres (671 square feet), being out of and a portion of Lot 3, Von Ach Park Subdivision, a subdivision in Travis County, Texas, recorded in volume 86, page 188D of Plat Records, Travis County, Texas, currently appraised at $246,503 subject to an increase in value based on updated appraisals or a Special Commissioner’s award. The owner of the needed property is 4930 SOCO LLC, a Texas limited liability company. The property is located at 4930 South Congress Avenue, Austin, Texas 78745. The general route of the project is along Williamson Creek, from South 1st Street to South Pleasant Valley Road.

District(s): District 3

Public Hearings and Possible Actions

67. Conduct a public hearing and consider an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 (Land Development) related to development regulations applicable to residential re-subdivisions and development regulations and applications for multi-family residential site development of five to sixteen units.

68. Conduct a public hearing and consider an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 to establish boundaries for new zoning districts located in the vicinity commonly known as the South Central Waterfront; creating a new zoning district and modifying related site development regulations and compatibility standards; creating a new zoning district for density bonus that includes granting additional floor-to-area ratio in exchange for providing community benefits; and initiating zoning and rezoning and necessary neighborhood plan amendments for eligible properties located within the boundaries of the new zoning districts.

69. Conduct a public hearing and consider a resolution related to an application by Belmont Apartments Ltd., or an affiliated entity, for housing tax credits for the construction of a multi-family development to be financed through the private activity bond program and to be known as Belmont Apartments, located within the City’s extraterritorial jurisdiction at or near 4401 East Slaughter Lane, Austin, Texas 78747.

70. Conduct a public hearing and consider an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 (Land Development) related to development regulations applicable to residential re-subdivisions and to multi-family residential site development of five to sixteen units.

71. Conduct a public hearing and consider an ordinance adopting the Second Amendment to the Agreement Concerning Creation and Operation of Sunfield Municipal Utility District Nos.1, 2, 3 and 4. This amendment impacts Sunfield Municipal Utility District No. 2, which is located in Austin’s Limited Purpose jurisdiction and includes approximately 575 acres located east of IH 35 along the Travis and Hays County line, south of Turnersville Road on both sides of the proposed extension of Loop 4 in Council District 5. Case number: C12M-2024-0015.

District(s): District 5

72. Conduct a public hearing and consider a request by Success Foods Management Group, LLC d/b/as Torchy’s Tacos, located at 1822 S. Congress Avenue, for a waiver of the distance requirement of City Code Section 4-9-4(A) which requires a minimum 300-foot separation distance between a business selling alcoholic beverages and a school.

District(s): District 9

73. Conduct a public hearing and consider a request by Wheatsville Food Co-op, located at 4001 S. Lamar Blvd. Unit E, for a waiver of the distance requirement of City Code Section 4-9-4(A) which requires a minimum 300-foot separation distance between a business selling alcoholic beverages and a school.

District(s): District 5

74. Conduct a public hearing and approve a resolution re-authorizing the East Sixth Street Public Improvement District.

District(s): District 9

12:00 PM - Public Communication: General Zainab Haider - hey crystal silva mccormick - tbd

Rozanne Yousef - Tbd

Cliff Clive - "single issue voters"


Cally Hibbs - Palestinian liberation

Gracie Pankl - tbd

Hayat Majali - Gaza and our role in the world

Haithem El-Zabri 512 El-Zabri - Various

Paul Robbins - City and budget issues.

Live Music

Vintage Jay

Executive Session

75. Evaluate the performance of, and consider compensation and benefits for, the City Clerk (Personnel matters - Section 551.074 of the Texas Government Code).

76. Evaluate the performance of, and consider compensation and benefits for, the City Auditor (Personnel matters - Section 551.074 of the Texas Government Code).

77. Evaluate the performance of, and consider compensation and benefits for, the Municipal Court Clerk (Personnel matters - Section 551.074 of the Texas Government Code.

2:00 PM - Zoning and Neighborhood Plan Amendments (Public Hearings and Possible Action)

78. NPA-2023-0013.01 - 200 W. Mary - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 20020523-32 the Bouldin Creek Neighborhood Plan, an element of the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan, to change the land use designation on the future land use map (FLUM) on property locally known 200 and 204 West Mary Street (East Bouldin Creek Watershed) from Single Family to Neighborhood Mixed Use land use. Applicant Request: To change the land use designation on the FLUM from Single Family to Mixed Use land use. Staff Recommendation and Planning Commission Recommendation: To grant Neighborhood Mixed Use land use. Owner/Applicant: Herb Bar Soco, LLC. Agent: Husch Blackwell, LLP (Nikelle Meade). City Staff: Maureen Meredith, Planning Department, (512) 974-2695.

District(s): District 9

79.C14-2023-0021 - 200 West Mary Street - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 by rezoning property locally known 200 and 204 West Mary Street (East Bouldin Creek Watershed). Applicant Request: To rezone from family residence-neighborhood plan (SF-3-NP) combining district zoning to community commercial-mixed use-neighborhood plan (GR-MU-NP) combining district zoning. Staff Recommendation and Planning Commission Recommendation: To grant neighborhood commercial-mixed use-conditional overlay-neighborhood plan (LR-MU-CO-NP) combining district zoning. Owner/Applicant: Herb Bar Soco, LLC. Agent: Husch Blackwell, LLP (Nikelle Meade). City Staff: Jonathan Tomko, Planning Department, (512) 974-1057.

80. NPA-2022-0017.01 - Crestview Village - Approve second and third readings of an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 20081211-086 the Lamar/Justin Lane TOD Station Area Plan and Ordinance No. 040401-Z-2 the Crestview/Wooten Combined Neighborhood Plan, an element of the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan, to allow a maximum building height of 160 feet on property locally known as 6916, 6926, 6928 North Lamar Boulevard and 808, 810, 812, and 906 Justin Lane (Walnut Creek Watershed). Applicant Request: To grant a maximum building height of 160 feet. First Reading approved December 14, 2023. Vote: 10-0, Council Member Ryan Alter absent. Owner/Applicant: 3423 Holdings, LLC (Manager: Peter Barlin). Agent: Armbrust and Brown, PLLC (Michael J. Whellan). City Staff: Maureen Meredith, Planning Department (512) 974-2695.

District(s): District 7

81. C14-2022-0035 - Crestview Village - Approve second and third readings of an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 by rezoning property locally known as 6916, 6926, 6928 North Lamar Boulevard and 808, 810, 812, and 906 Justin Lane (Walnut Creek Watershed). Applicant Request: To rezone from transit-oriented development-neighborhood plan (TOD-NP) combining district zoning to transit-oriented development-neighborhood plan (TOD-NP), to change a condition of zoning. First Reading approved December 14, 2023. Vote: 10-0 with Council Member Ryan Alter absent. Owner/Applicant: 3423 Holdings, LLC (Manager: Peter Barlin). Agent: Armbrust and Brown, PLLC (Michael J. Whellan). City Staff: Jonathan Tomko, Planning Department (512) 974-1057.

District(s): District 7

82. C14-2023-0146 - 2130 Goodrich - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 by rezoning property locally known as 2130 Goodrich Avenue (West Bouldin Creek Watershed). Applicant Request: To rezone from general commercial services-mixed use-conditional overlay (CS-MU-CO) combining district zoning to general commercial services-mixed use-vertical mixed use building-conditional overlay-density bonus 90 (CS-MU-V-CO-DB90) combining district zoning. Staff Recommendation and Planning Commission Recommendation: To grant general commercial services-mixed use-vertical mixed use building-conditional overlay-density bonus 90 (CS-MU-V-CO-DB90) combining district zoning. Owner/Applicant: Heartwood Real Estate Company (2130 Goodrich Ave Partners LP). Agent: Drenner Group, PC (Leah Bojo). City Staff: Cynthia Hadri, Planning Department, 512-974-7620.

District(s): District 5

83. C14-2024-0064 - 602 Gaylor St - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 by rezoning property locally known as 602 Gaylor Street (Waller Creek Watershed). Applicant Request: To rezone from townhouse and condominium

residence-neighborhood plan (SF-6-NP) combining district zoning to family

residence-neighborhood plan (SF-3-NP) combining district zoning. Staff Recommendation and Planning Commission Recommendation: To grant family residence-neighborhood plan (SF-3-NP) combining district zoning. Owner/Applicant: Certiestates LLC. Agent: Austin Civil Engineering (Calvin Weiman). City Staff: Tiffany Magnavice, Planning Department, 512-978-0722. District(s): District 4

84. C14-2024-0065 - 606 Gaylor St - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 by rezoning property locally known as 606 Gaylor Street (Waller Creek Watershed). Applicant Request: To rezone from townhouse and condominium residence-neighborhood plan (SF-6-NP) combining district zoning to family residence-neighborhood plan (SF-3-NP) combining district zoning. Staff Recommendation and Planning Commission Recommendation: To grant family residence-neighborhood plan (SF-3-NP) combining district zoning. Owner/Applicant: Certiestates LLC. Agent: Austin Civil Engineering (Calvin Weiman). City Staff: Tiffany Magnavice, Planning Department, 512-978-0722.

District(s): District 4

85. NPA-2024-0025.01 - 8900 and 8956 W SH 71 Multifamily - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 20081211-096 the Oak Hill Combined (West Oak Hill) Neighborhood Plan, an element of the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan, to change the land use designation on the future land use map (FLUM) on property locally known as 8900 and 8956 West State Highway 71 (Williamson Creek Watershed) from Rural Residential to Multifamily Residential land use. Staff Recommendation and Planning Commission Recommendation: To grant Multifamily Residential land use. Owner/Applicant: Marx Family Property, LLC, a Texas limited liability company. Agent: DuBois, Bryant & Campbell, LLP (David Hartman). City Staff: Maureen Meredith, Planning Department, (512) 974-2695.

District(s): District 8

86. C14-2024-0032 - 8900 and 8956 W SH HWY 71 Multifamily - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 by rezoning property locally known as 8900 and 8956 West State Highway 71 (Williamson Creek Watershed). Applicant Request: To rezone from agricultural-neighborhood plan (AG-NP) combining district zoning to multifamily residence moderate-high density-neighborhood plan (MF-4-NP) combining district zoning. Staff Recommendation and Planning Commission Recommendation: To grant multifamily residence moderate-high density-neighborhood plan (MF-4-NP) combining district zoning. Owner/Applicant: Marx Family Property, LLC, a Texas limited partnership. Agent: Dubois Bryant & Campbell, LLP (David Hartman). City Staff: Cynthia Hadri, Planning Department, 512-974-7620.

District(s): District 8

87. C14-2024-0060 - 5212 Duval St - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 by rezoning property locally known as 5212 Duval Street (Waller Creek Watershed). Applicant Request: To rezone from family residence-neighborhood plan (SF-3-NP) combining district zoning to limited office-mixed use-neighborhood plan (LO-MU-NP) combining district zoning. Staff Recommendation and Planning Commission Recommendation: To grant limited office-mixed use-neighborhood plan (LO-MU-NP) combining district zoning. Owner/Applicant: Dawn Polunsky. Agent: Brooke Pfeiffer. City Staff: Cynthia Hadri, Planning Department, 512-974-7620.

District(s): District 9

88. C14-2024-0058 - 4302 South Congress Avenue - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 by rezoning property locally known as 4302 South Congress Avenue (Williamson Creek Watershed). Applicant Request: To rezone from general commercial services-mixed use-vertical mixed use building-neighborhood plan (CS-MU-V-NP) combining district zoning to general commercial services-mixed use-vertical mixed use building-density bonus 90- neighborhood plan (CS-MU-V-DB90-NP) combining district zoning. Staff Recommendation and Planning Commission Recommendation: To grant general commercial services-mixed use-vertical mixed use building-density bonus 90-neighborhood plan (CS-MU-V-DB90-NP) combining district zoning. Owner/Applicant: AV GF 4302 SOCO LLC (Shravan Parsi). Agent: Drenner Group (Leah Bojo). City Staff: Marcelle Boudreaux, 512-974-8094.

District(s): District 3

89. C14-2024-0047 - 8501 S. 1st Street - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 by rezoning property locally known as 8501 South 1st Street (South Boggy Creek and Slaughter Creek Watersheds). Applicant Request: To rezone from development reserve (DR) district zoning to community commercial-mixed use-vertical mixed use building-density bonus 90 (GR-MU-V-DB90) combining district zoning. Staff Recommendation and Zoning and Platting Commission Recommendation: To grant community commercial-mixed use-vertical mixed use building-density bonus 90 (GR-MU-V-DB90) combining district zoning. Owner/Applicant: Mae Katherine Rich Clay. Agent: Drenner Group (Leah Bojo). City Staff: Marcelle Boudreaux, 512-974-8094.

District(s): District 2

90. C14-2023-0140 - Northeast Service Center - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 by zoning property locally known as 8301 and 8001 1/2 Johnny Morris Road (Decker and Walnut Creek Watershed) from interim-rural residence (I-RR) district zoning to public (P) district zoning. Staff Recommendation and Zoning and Platting Commission Recommendation: To grant public (P) district zoning. Owner/Applicant: City of Austin Agent: City of Austin Financial Services (Christopher Mills). City Staff: Beverly Villela, Planning Department, 512-978-0740.

District(s): District 1

91. C14-2024-0057 - 2100 Patsy Parkway - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 by rezoning property locally known as 2100 Patsy Parkway (Onion Creek and South Boggy Creek Watersheds). Applicant Request: To rezone from single family residence standard lot (SF-2) district zoning to multifamily residence medium density (MF-3) district zoning. Staff Recommendation and Zoning and Platting Commission Recommendation: To grant multifamily residence medium density (MF-3) district zoning. Owner/Applicant: Steve Cisneros. Agent: Drenner Group (Leah Bojo). City Staff: Marcelle Boudreaux, 512-974-8094.

District(s): District 2

92. C14-2024-0054 - 8200 & 8300 North MoPac - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 by rezoning property locally known as 8200, 8240, and 8300 North Mopac Expressway Service Road Southbound (Shoal Creek Watershed). Applicant Request: To rezone from limited office (LO) district zoning and neighborhood commercial (LR) district zoning to community commercial-mixed use-vertical mixed use building-density bonus 90 (GR-MU-V-DB90) combining district zoning. Staff Recommendation: To grant community commercial-mixed use-vertical mixed use building-density bonus 90 (GR-MU-V-DB90) combining district zoning. Zoning and Platting Commission Recommendation: To grant community commercial-mixed use-vertical mixed use building-conditional overlay-density bonus 90 (GR-MU-V-CO-DB90) combining district zoning. Owner/Applicant: OP 8200 MoPac Property, LLC & OP 8300 MoPac Property, LLC. Agent: Drenner Group, PC (Amanda Swor). City Staff: Sherri Sirwaitis, 512-974-3057.

District(s): District 10

93. C14-2024-0087 - 12104 Jekel Circle - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 by rezoning property locally known as 12104 Jekel Circle (Rattan Creek Watershed). Applicant Request: To rezone from limited industrial-conditional overlay (LI-CO) combining district zoning to general commercial services (CS) district zoning. Staff Recommendation and Zoning and Platting Commission Recommendation: To grant general commercial services (CS) district zoning. Owner/Applicant: JLCC Interests, LLC (Michael Jordan Scott). Agent: Industry ATX (Michael Winningham). City Staff: Sherri Sirwaitis, 512-974-3057.

District(s): District 6

94. C14-2024-0062 - Express Auto Spa - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 by rezoning property locally known as 3152 East State Highway 71 Service Road Eastbound (Colorado River Watershed). Applicant Request: To zone from interim-rural residence (I-RR) district zoning to general commercial services (CS) district zoning. Staff Recommendation and Zoning and Platting Commission Recommendation: To grant general commercial services (CS) district zoning. Owner/Applicant: Quickie Inc., (Wassim Agha). Agent: CWPD (Alan Jacob). City Staff: Nancy Estrada, Planning Department, 512-974-7617.

District(s): District 2

95. C14-2024-0072 - Garza II - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 by rezoning property locally known as 6515 1/2 and 6367 1/2 South Mopac Expressway Service Road Northbound, 4109 1/2 and 4101 1/2 Sabio Drive, and 6316 Legado Lane (Williamson Creek Watershed-Barton Springs Zone). Applicant Request: To rezone from community commercial-mixed use-conditional overlay-neighborhood plan (GR-MU-CO-NP) combining district zoning to community commercial-mixed use-vertical mixed use building-conditional overlay-neighborhood plan (GR-MU-V-CO-NP) combining district zoning. Staff Recommendation and Planning Commission Recommendation: To grant community commercial-mixed use-vertical mixed use building-conditional overlay-neighborhood plan (GR-MU-V-CO-NP) combining district zoning. Owner/Applicant: Brandywine Garza Office I, LP (Kyle McDonald). Agent: Drenner Group, PC (David Anderson). City Staff: Nancy Estrada, Planning Department, 512-974-7617.

District(s): District 8

96.NPA-2023-0010.02 - East 2nd Street - 2300 Block - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 011213-43 the Holly Neighborhood Plan, an element of the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan, to change the land use designation on the future land use map (FLUM) on property locally known 109, 111, and 113 Mildred Street and 2305, 2307, and 2311 East 2nd Street (Lady Bird Lake Watershed) from Single Family to Mixed Use land use. Staff

Recommendation and Planning Commission Recommendation: To grant Mixed Use land use. Owners/Applicants: Patrica Ann Pope; LaFayette 2109, LLC; and Isdale Investments, LLC; and Emily Kolb Isdale. Agent: Armbrust & Brown, PLLC (Michael J. Whellan). City Staff: Maureen Meredith, Planning Department, (512) 974-2695.

District(s): District 3

97. C14-2024-0027 - East Cesar Chavez - 2300 Block - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 by rezoning property locally known as 109, 111, and 113 Mildred Street, 2305, 2307, 2309, 2311, 2315, and 2317 East 2nd Street, and 2300, 2302, 2304, 2306, 2308, 2324, 2328, and 2326 East Cesar Chavez Street (Lady Bird Lake Watershed) from family residence-neighborhood plan (SF-3-NP) combining district zoning, general commercial services-conditional overlay-mixed use-neighborhood plan (CS-CO-MU-NP) combining district zoning, limited office-neighborhood plan (LO-NP) combining district zoning, and limited office-conditional overlay-mixed use-neighborhood plan (LO-CO-MU-NP) combining district zoning to general commercial services-mixed use-vertical mixed use building-conditional overlay-density bonus 90-neighborhood plan (CS-MU-V-CO-DB90-NP) combining district zoning, with a reduction of the ground floor commercial requirement. Staff Recommendation: To grant general commercial services-mixed use-vertical mixed use building-conditional overlay-density bonus 90-neighborhood plan (CS-MU-V-CO-DB90-NP) combining district zoning. Planning Commission Recommendation: To grant general commercial services-mixed use-vertical mixed use building-conditional overlay-density bonus 90-neighborhood plan (CS-MU-V-CO-DB90-NP) combining district zoning, with a reduction of the ground floor commercial requirement. Owner/Applicant: Patrica Ann Pope; LaFayette 2109, LLC; Isdale Investments, LLC; Emily Kolb Isdale; 2324-ECC-Arc LLC; 2400 ECC-Arc LLC; 2317 E 2nd-Arc LLC. Agent: Armbrust & Brown, PLLC (Michael Whellan). City Staff: Jonathan Tomko, Planning Department, (512) 974-1057.

District(s): District 3

98. C14-2023-0135 - 1500 & 1600 Royal Crest - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 by rezoning property locally known as 1500 and 1600 Royal Crest Drive (Lady Bird Lake Watershed). Applicant Request: To rezone from East Riverside Corridor (ERC) base district (urban residential subdistrict) zoning to East Riverside Corridor (ERC) base district (corridor mixed use subdistrict) zoning and to increase the maximum building height to 160 feet through participation in a density bonus program. Staff Recommendation and Planning Commission Recommendation: To grant East Riverside Corridor (ERC) base district (corridor mixed use subdistrict) zoning and to increase the maximum building height to 160 feet through participation in a density bonus program. Owner/Applicant: 1500 Royal Crest LP (Anthony Clarke). Agent: Drenner Group, PC (Amanda Swor). City Staff: Nancy Estrada, 512-974-7617, Planning Department.

District(s): District 3

99.C814-2014-0083.01 - Sunfield Planned Unit Development Amendment #1 - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 by rezoning property locally known as 1901 Turnersville Road, southwest corner of Turnersville Road and South Turnersville Road (Rinard Creek, Plum Creek, and Onion Creek Watersheds). Applicant Request: To rezone from planned unit development-neighborhood plan (PUD-NP) combining district zoning to planned unit development-neighborhood plan (PUD-NP) combining district zoning, to change conditions of zoning. The ordinance may include exemption from or waiver of fees, alternative funding methods, modifications of City regulations, and acquisition of property. Staff Recommendation and Planning Commission Recommendation: To grant planned unit development-neighborhood plan (PUD-NP) combining district zoning, to change conditions of zoning. Owner/Applicant: Sunfield Investments LLC; Sunfield Development LLC (Ryan Burkhardt). Agent: Jackson Walker, LLP (Pamela Madere). City Staff: Nancy Estrada, Planning Department, 512-974-7617.

District(s): District 5

100. C814-2023-0027 - 311-315 South Congress PUD - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 by rezoning property locally known as 311, 313, and 315 South Congress Avenue (Lady Bird Lake and East Bouldin Creek Watersheds). Applicant Request: To rezone from commercial-liquor sales-vertical mixed use building-neighborhood plan (CS-1-V-NP) combining district zoning and limited industrial service-neighborhood plan (LI-NP) combining district zoning to planned unit development-neighborhood plan (PUD-NP) combining district zoning. The ordinance may include exemption from or waiver of fees, alternative funding methods, modifications of City regulations, and acquisition of property. Staff Recommendation and Planning Commission Recommendation: To grant planned unit development-neighborhood plan (PUD-NP) combining district zoning. Owner/Applicant: Bridgestone Firestone (Wesley H Pearson Jr. & Jerry W. Pearson). Agent: Drenner Group PC (Amanda Swor). City Staff: Jonathan Tomko, Planning Department, (512) 974-1057.

District(s): District 9

101. C14-2024-0084 - 6575 Decker Lane Tract 2 - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 by rezoning property locally known as 6575 Decker Lane (Elm Creek Watershed) from community commercial-conditional overlay (GR-CO) combining district zoning to general commercial services-conditional overlay (CS-CO) combining district zoning.

Staff Recommendation and Zoning and Platting Commission Recommendation: To grant general commercial services-conditional overlay (CS-CO) combining district zoning. Owner/Applicant: Agent: City Staff: Jonathan Tomko, Planning Department, (512) 974-1057.

District(s): District 1

102. NPA-2023-0005.01 - Montopolis-Fairway Mixed Use - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 010927-05 the Montopolis Neighborhood Plan, an element of the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan, to change the land use designation on the future land use map (FLUM) on property locally known as 6202 and 6204 Caddie Street, 1600, 1604, 1606, 1608, 1610, 1612, and 1614 Montopolis Drive, and 6205, 6211, and 6215 Fairway Street (Country Club Creek Watershed) from Single Family and Civic to Mixed Use land use.

Staff Recommendation and Planning Commission Recommendation: To grant Mixed Use land use. Owners/Applicants: 3rd Angle Developments, LLC & 1614 Montopolis, LLC (Ben S. Cobos). Agents: Thrower Design, LLC (Ron Thrower and Victoria Haase). City Staff: Maureen Meredith, Planning Department, (512) 974-2695.

District(s): District 3

103.C14-2024-0015 - Montopolis - Fairway Mixed Use - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 by rezoning property locally known as 6202 and 6204 Caddie Street, 1600, 1604, 1606, 1608, 1610, 1612, and 1614 Montopolis Drive, and 6205, 6211, and 6215 Fairway Street (Country Club East Watershed). Applicant Request: To rezone from community commercial-neighborhood plan (GR-NP) combining district zoning and family residence-neighborhood plan (SF-3-NP) combining district zoning to general commercial services-density bonus 90-neighborhood plan (CS-DB90-NP) combining district zoning. Staff Recommendation and Planning Commission Recommendation: To grant community commercial-density bonus 90-neighborhood plan (GR-DB90-NP) combining district zoning. Owner/Applicant: 3rd Angle Developments LLC & 1614 Montopolis LLC (Ben S. Cobos). Agent: Thrower Design, LLC (Ron Thrower & Victoria Haase). City Staff: Cynthia Hadri, Planning Department, 512-974-7620.

District(s): District 3

104. NPA-2024-0024.01 - 2700 Gracy Farms Lane - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 20071101-050 the North Burnet/Gateway 2035 Master Plan and Neighborhood Plan, an element of the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan, to change the land use designation on the future land use map (FLUM) on property locally known as 2700 and 2700 1/2 Gracy Farms Lane (Walnut Creek Watershed) from Mixed Use to High Density Mixed Use. Staff Recommendation and Planning Commission Recommendation: To grant High Density Mixed Use land use. Owner/Applicant: KREA, LLC. (Laxmi Mehta, Sr., Managing Director/Manager). Agent: Drenner Group, PC (Amanda Swor). City Staff: Maureen Meredith, Planning Department, (512) 974-2695.

District(s): District 7

105. C14-2024-0005 - 2700 Gracy Farms - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 by rezoning property locally known as 2700 and 2700 1/2 Gracy Farms Lane (Walnut Creek Watershed). Applicant Request: To rezone from North Burnet/Gateway-neighborhood plan (NBG-NP) combining district (neighborhood residential subdistrict) zoning to North Burnet/Gateway-neighborhood plan (NBG-NP) combining district (commercial mixed use-midway zone subdistrict) zoning. Staff Recommendation and Planning Commission Recommendation: To grant North Burnet/Gateway-neighborhood plan (NBG-NP) combining district (commercial mixed use-midway zone subdistrict) zoning. Owner/Applicant: KREA LLC (Laxmi Mehta, Sr., Managing Director/Manager). Agent: Drenner Group, PC (Amanda Swor). City Staff: Sherri Sirwaitis, 512-974-3057.

Lead Department

Planning Department.

District(s): District 7

106. NPA-2024-0026.02.SH - 204 East Rundberg Lane - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 20100624-110, the North Lamar Combined Neighborhood Plan, an element of the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan, to change the land use designation on the future land use map (FLUM) on property locally known as 204 East Rundberg Lane (Little Walnut Creek Watershed) from Single Family and Neighborhood Mixed Use to Mixed Use land use. Staff Recommendation and Planning Commission Recommendation: To grant Mixed Use land use. Owner/Applicant: Estate of Majid Hemmasi D.B.A. DRFM Investment, David Hemmasi, Trustee of the Luan Duy Nguyen Revocable Management Trust, Luan Duy Nguyen, Trustee of the

Doan-Nghiem Thi Nguyen Revocable Management Trust. Agent: Drenner Group, PC (Drew Raffaele). City Staff: Maureen Meredith, Planning Department, (512) 974-2695.

District(s): District 4

107. C14-2024-0067.SH - 204 East Rundberg Lane - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 by rezoning property locally known as 204 East Rundberg Lane (Little Walnut Creek Watershed). Applicant Request: To rezone from neighborhood commercial-vertical mixed use building-neighborhood plan (LR-V-NP) combining district zoning and family residence-neighborhood plan (SF-3-NP) combining district zoning to community commercial-mixed use-vertical mixed use building-neighborhood plan (GR-MU-V-NP) combining district zoning. Staff Recommendation and Planning Commission Recommendation: To grant community commercial-mixed use-vertical mixed use building-neighborhood plan (GR-MU-V-NP) combining district zoning. Owner/Applicant: Estate of Majid Hemmasi D.B.A. DRFM Investment, c/o David Hemmasi, Luan Duy Nguyen, Trustee of the Luan Duy Nguyen Revocable Management Trust, Luan Duy Nguyen, Trustee of the Doan-Nghiem Thi Nguyen Revocable Management Trust . Agent: Drenner Group, PC (Drew Raffaele). City Staff: Sherri Sirwaitis, 512-974-3057.

District(s): District 4

108. C14-2024-0075 - 9012 Research - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 by rezoning property locally known as 9000, 9010, 9012, 9014, and 9014 1/2 Research Boulevard Service Road Southbound (Little Walnut Creek Watershed). Applicant Request: To rezone from general commercial services-neighborhood plan (CS-NP) combining district zoning and commercial-liquor sales-conditional overlay-neighborhood plan (CS-1-CO-NP) combining district zoning to commercial-liquor sales-mixed use-vertical mixed use building-conditional overlay-density bonus 90-neighborhood plan (CS-1-MU-V-CO-DB90-NP) combining district zoning. Staff Recommendation and Planning Commission Recommendation: To grant commercial-liquor sales-mixed use-vertical mixed use building-conditional overlay-density bonus 90-neighborhood plan (CS-1-MU-V-CO-DB90-NP) combining district zoning. Owner/Applicant: Austin Home Center Associates. Agent: Armbrust & Brown, PLLC (Michael J. Whellan). City Staff: Sherri Sirwaitis, 512-974-3057.

District(s): District 4

109. C14-2024-0061 - 2900 Oak Springs Rezoning - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 by rezoning property locally known as 2900 Oak Springs Drive (Boggy Creek Watershed). Applicant Request: To rezone from general commercial services-mixed use-vertical mixed use building-neighborhood plan (CS-MU-V-NP) combining district zoning to general commercial services-mixed use-vertical mixed use building-density bonus 90-neighborhood plan (CS-MU-V-DB90-NP) combining district zoning. Staff Recommendation and Planning Commission Recommendation: To grant general commercial services-mixed use-vertical mixed use building-density bonus 90-neighborhood plan (CS-MU-V-DB90-NP) combining district zoning. Owner/Applicant: 2900 Oak Springs Horizontal Investors, LP (Michael Bernstein). Agent: Thrower Design LLC (Ron Thrower and Victoria Haase). City Staff: Marcelle Boudreaux, 512-974-8094.

District(s): District 1

110. C14-2024-0059 - 1809 W. 35th Street - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 by rezoning property locally known as 1809 West 35th Street (Shoal Creek Watershed). Applicant Request: To rezone from limited office-mixed use-conditional overlay-neighborhood plan (LO-MU-CO-NP) combining district zoning to limited office-mixed use-conditional overlay-density bonus 90-neighborhood plan (LO-MU-CO-DB90-NP) combining district zoning.

Staff Recommendation and Planning Commission Recommendation: To grant limited office-mixed use-conditional overlay-density bonus 90-neighborhood plan (LO-MU-CO-DB90-NP) combining district zoning. Owner/Applicant: MEA Real Estate Ventures, LLC (Mehrdad Ebrahimi). Agent: Thrower Design LLC (Ron Thrower and Victoria Haase). City Staff: Marcelle Boudreaux, 512-974-8094.

District(s): District 9

111. NPA-2022-0020.01 - Industrial Blvd and Terry O Ln - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 20050818-Z001 the South Congress Combined Neighborhood Plan, an element of the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan, to change the land use designation on the future land use map (FLUM) on property locally known as 439, 505, 509, 511 and 515 Industrial Boulevard and 4208 Terry O Lane (Blunn Creek and Williamson Creek Watershed) from Industry to Mixed Use land use. Staff Recommendation and Planning Commission Recommendation: To grant Mixed Use land use. Owner/Applicant: Basalt Cannon LLC, Delwau LLC, Jasdayal LLC, Lunar Y LLC, Ungar Holdings LLC. Agent: Glen Coleman. City Staff: Maureen Meredith, Planning Department, (512) 974-2695.

District(s): District 3

112. C14-2022-0062 - Industrial Blvd & Terry O Lane - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 by rezoning property locally known as 439, 505, 509, 511 and 515 Industrial Boulevard and 4208 Terry O Lane (Blunn Creek and Williamson Creek Watershed). Applicant Request: To rezone from limited industrial service-neighborhood plan (LI-NP) combining district zoning to limited industrial service-planned development area-neighborhood plan (LI-PDA-NP) combining district zoning. Staff Recommendation and Planning Commission Recommendation: To grant limited industrial service-planned development area-neighborhood plan (LI-PDA-NP) combining district zoning. Owner/Applicant: Basalt Cannon LLC, Delwau LLC, Jasdayal LLC, Lunar Y LLC, Ungar Holdings LLC. Agent: Glen Coleman. City Staff: Nancy Estrada, Planning Department, 512-974-7617.

District(s): District 3

113. C14-2024-0070 - 3117 & 3121 E. 12th Street - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 by rezoning property locally known as 3117 and 3121 East 12th Street (Boggy Creek Watershed). Applicant Request: To rezone from general commercial services-mixed use-vertical mixed use building-conditional overlay-neighborhood plan (CS-MU-V-CO-NP) combining district zoning to general commercial services-mixed use-vertical mixed use building-conditional overlay-density bonus 90-neighborhood plan

(CS-MU-V-CO-DB90-NP) combining district zoning. Staff Recommendation: To grant general commercial services-mixed use-vertical mixed use building-conditional overlay-density bonus 90-neighborhood plan (CS-MU-V-CO-DB90-NP) combining district zoning. Planning Commission Recommendation: To forward to Council without a recommendation due to lack of an affirmative vote. Owner/Applicant: 3121 E. 12th Horizontal Investors, LP (Michael Bernstein). Agent: Armbrust & Brown (Michael J. Whellan). City Staff: Marcelle Boudreaux, 512-974-8094.

District(s): District 1

114. NPA-2024-0026.01 - Auto Repair Shop - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 20100624-110 the North Lamar/Georgian Acres Combined Neighborhood Plan, an element of the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan, to change the land use designation on the future land use map (FLUM) on property locally known as 301 and 303 Ferguson Drive (Walnut Creek Watershed) from Neighborhood Mixed Use to Mixed Use land use. Staff Recommendation and Planning Commission Recommendation: To deny Mixed Use land use. Owner/Applicant: Duraid Alawe. Agent: Development and Consulting Bridgeway, LLC (Marisa Kane). City Staff: Tyler Tripp, 512-974-3362.

District(s): District 4

115. C14-2024-0008 - Auto Repair Shop - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 by rezoning property locally known as 301 and 303 Ferguson Drive (Walnut Creek Watershed). Applicant Request: To rezone from general commercial services-mixed use-conditional overlay-neighborhood plan (CS-MU-CO-NP) combining district zoning to general commercial services-mixed use-conditional overlay-neighborhood plan (CS-MU-CO-NP) combining district zoning, to change a condition of zoning. Staff Recommendation and Planning Commission Recommendation: To deny the rezoning request. Owner/Applicant: Duraid Alawe. Agent: Development and Consulting Bridgeway, LLC (Marisa Kane). City Staff: Sherri Sirwaitis, 512-974-3057.

District(s): District 4


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