Future Islands release new album capturing emotional depth

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Teel Tishgart Hospitality Support & Artist Relations | Official Website

Future Islands' latest album, "People Who Aren’t There Anymore," marks a significant evolution in the band's career. Known for their unique sound, characterized by Samuel T. Herring’s emotive vocals, Gerrit Welmers’ melodies, and the rhythms of William Cashion and Michael Lowry, Future Islands have maintained their distinct identity while exploring new emotional depths.

The album spans 44 minutes and captures a range of emotions from excitement to devastation, ultimately offering a sense of redemption. Herring's voice conveys both pain and joy in a way that has previously been unmatched outside of their live performances.

Having performed nearly 1,500 shows, Future Islands are known for their intense live experiences that have left lasting impacts on both audiences and the band members themselves. "People Who Aren’t There Anymore" represents a pivotal moment for the band as they explore new ways to connect with the world around them.

This latest work is described as the most fully realized and transparently honest statement in their 17-year history.

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