Cat Power releases new studio album SUN

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Charisse Sayers Private Event Sales Manager | Official Website

Cat Power, also known as Chan Marshall, has released her new studio album "SUN," marking a significant return to original material after six years. The album represents a departure from her previous collaborative projects and showcases Marshall's complete creative control, as she wrote, played, recorded, and produced the entire album herself.

Marshall describes "SUN" as “a rebirth,” reflecting confidence and ambition. She explains that while her earlier work "Moon Pix" focused on themes of isolation and survival, "SUN" is about moving forward with confidence towards personal power and fulfillment.

The album features a diverse range of musical styles. Tracks include the haunting guitar and vocal hook in "Cherokee," the Latin-sounding piano loop in “Ruin,” upbeat electronic anthems like "Real Life" and "3,6,9," and the eight-minute epic "Nothin But Time," which includes a vocal cameo by Iggy Pop. Other songs such as “Silent Machine” evoke mid-70s Jagger, while “Always on My Own” features sparse production.

"SUN" stands out for its deeply American narrative arc filled with spaciousness and optimism while remaining modern and global in its sound. The album is noted for being possibly Cat Power’s most personal to date despite lacking grave bedroom confessionals. It channels Marshall's humor, anger, empathy, musical inspirations, technical skill, and spiritual inquiry into an expansive yet handcrafted collection of songs.

Listeners familiar with Cat Power’s discography may notice elements reminiscent of her 2003 album "You Are Free." However, thanks to mixer Philippe Zdar (known for his work with Phoenix, Chromeo), "SUN" maintains a fresh sonic quality that aligns with its forward-looking themes.

Lyrically, Marshall moves beyond youthful angst to address broader societal issues. Songs like “Human Being” speak to anyone who feels voiceless with lines such as “you got a right to scream when they don’t want you to speak.” In “Peace And Love,” she references Nina Simone and Black Flag while asserting her continued commitment to idealism despite past dismissals. Similarly, “Nothin But Time” encourages youth to look beyond current struggles towards their potential future.

The recording process for "SUN" spanned three years across various locations including Malibu (in a studio built by Marshall), Silver Lake (at The Boat), Miami (South Beach Studios), and Paris Motorbass where it was mixed by Zdar in spring 2012.

Cat Power will begin touring worldwide with a new band starting in Fall 2012.
