City of Austin City Council met Nov. 28

Webp 39
Vanessa Fuentes - Austin City Councilwoman | Linkedin

City of Austin City Council met Nov. 28.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The City Council of Austin, Texas convened in a Work Session Meeting on Tuesday, November 28, 2023, at 301 W. 2nd Street, Austin, TX and via videoconference.

Mayor Watson called the Council Meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. Council Member Ryan Alter and Council Member Qadri were absent.

Mayor Watson recessed the Council Meeting at 9:04 a.m.

Mayor Watson reconvened the Council Meeting at 9:11 a.m.


Bl. Amendments to the City's Land Development Code that would allow up to three housing units, including tiny homes, on single family (SF) zoned properly; revise regulations that apply to two housing units, and remove restrictions on the number of unrelated adults living in a housing unit.

Presentation was made by Veronica Briseno, Assistant City Manager, City Manager's Office; Andrea Bates, Assistant Director, Planning Department.

Presentation was made by Lucy Beggs, American Institute of Architects; Chris Gannon, American Institute of Architects.

The following direction was made:

"Provide information on staff's recommendation related to Floor-to-Area Ratio (FAR) limits. Provide information on if the recommendation from the Planning Commission related to FAR is the best way for us to achieve our desired outcomes.

Provide the modeling related to 1* AR limits and provide information on what this will look like outside of the McMansion area limits.

As staff do the modeling, be clear on what happens when you get rid of the "tent'9 and how that impacts the look of the houses. Include information related to terraces on top."

B2. Winter Weather Readiness.

Presentation was made by Veronica Briseno, Assistant City Manager, City Manager's Office; Ken Snipes, Director of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, City Manager's Office.

Direction was given to staff to provide the six recreation centers that had redundant power.

Direction was given to staff to provide the number of Homeland Security and Emergency Management positions that are in the process of being filled and how many are filled.

Direction wax given to staff to provide an update on FEMA reimbursements related to Winter Storm Mara and information on how the city ix tracking FEMA reimbursements. Direction wax also given to provide information on outstanding FEMA reimbursements by disaster and when reimbursements are expected to come in as a part of the Winter Storm I-Tri after action report presentation.


21. Approve an ordinance authorizing the negotiation and execution of all documents and instruments necessary and desirable to convey approximately nine acres of parkland located at 2525 South Lakeshore Boulevard, also known as the Central Maintenance Complex to Oracle.

84. Conduct a public hearing and consider an ordinance amending the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan to update the Austin Strategic Mobility Plan and to adopt the Urban Trails Plan, Bicycle Plan, and Sidewalks, Crossings, and Shared Streets Plan.

Council Member Pool adjourned the meeting at 12:27 p.m.
