City of Austin Audit and Finance Committee will meet March 30

City of Austin Audit and Finance Committee will meet March 30.

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:

The Audit And Finance Committee Will Meet At 9:30 Am, Austin City Hall, 301 W. Second Street Austin. TX And Some Members Of City Council May Be Participating By Videoconference

Alison Alter, Chair

Leslie Pool, Vice Chair

Vanessa Fuentes

Mackenzie Kelly

Kathie Tovo

To speak remotely, contact the committee staff liaison. Contact information is available on the committee's home page, which is linked here:

A quorum of the City Council may be present at this meeting. Action will only be taken by the members of the committee.

The committee may go into a closed session under the Open Meetings Act, Section 551.071, of the Texas Government Code, to receive advice from legal counsel on any item on this agenda.


Public Communication: General

Approval of Minutes

1. Approve the minutes of the Audit and Finance Committee meeting of February 23,2022.

Discussion and Possible Action

2. Discussion and possible action regarding the Microsoft Security Audit.

Sponsors: Mayor Pro Tem Alison Alter. and Council Member Leslie Pool

3. Discussion and possible action regarding recommendations for appointment(s) to the Municipal Civil Service Commission.

Sponsors: Mayor Pro Tem Alison Alter. and Council Member Leslie Pool

4. Discussion and possible action regarding the Austin Water external audit process.

Sponsors: Mayor Pro Tem Alison Alter. and Council Member Leslie Pool

5. Discussion and possible action regarding Audit and Finance Committee meeting dates for 2022.

Sponsors: Mayor Pro Tem Alison Alter. and Council Member Leslie Pool

6. Discussion and possible action regarding proposed bylaw amendments for the Joint Sustainability Committee.

Sponsors: Mayor Pro Tem Alison Alter. and Council Member Leslie Pool

Executive Session

7. Microsoft Security Audit (Security Audit -Sections 551.076 and 551.089 of the Government Code) (Information Security Office and Communications Technology Management Office).

Sponsors: Mayor Pro Tem Alison Alter. and Council Member Leslie Pool

8. Recommendations for appointment(s) to the Municipal Civil Service Commission. (Personnel matters -Section 551.074 of the Government Code).

Sponsors: Mayor Pro Tem Alison Alter. and Council Member Leslie Pool

Future Items

9. Identify items to be discussed at future meetings.


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